N-E-W is an event that isn’t fixed but movable in size, date, and theme. Its a positive, enthusiastic, experimental, open platform for contemporary art.
Our mission
- To establish a curated arts event
- Show critical, contemporary art to a wider audience in the South West
- Exhibit the talent that is here locally and give artists paid opportunities
Our Values
- Pay artists a fair, up to date wage, including any expenses
- To exhibit any type of medium, direction or subject
- To connect the audience with the artist themselves as much as possible
Our Aims
- Raise awareness of contemporary art
- To engage international and nationwide artists with local artists
- To create a platform for an artists development
- Show the public that contemporary art is approachable and engaging
- Attract international artists to the area
- Bring contemporary art to a rural environment in a thoughtful and communicative way
About us
The collective got together in 2014 and to date have created 3 hugely successful art events in Ashburton. Our art festival in 2014 attracted over 200 people who joined us for a musician led art safari, workshops and an extended and exciting series of curated contemporary new art in unusual and varied venues across the town. In 2015, we hosted ‘Sound Saturday’ with a fantastic and comprehensive programme of contemporary sound artists, installations and music. And in 2018, we created ‘N-E-W Ideas’, a curated site responsive event with a mix of installations, audience involvement and an introduction to on-going community-based projects in the new Ashburton Arts, originally an old Methodist Hall in the town. Both these events saw increased numbers of visitors, with over 300 coming to N-E-W Ideas.